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Rainbow Talk | Before We Were Trans | Freiburg

Wed 15.01. @ 18:15 20:00

Rainbow Talk mit Dr. Kit Heyam zu Before We Were Trans

Wo: online per Zoom

Inhalt: “Before We Were Trans” is a new and different story of gender that seeks not to be comprehensive or definitive but – by blending culture, feminism, and politics – to widen the scope of what we think of as trans history by telling the stories of people across the globe whose experience of gender has been transgressive or not characterised by stability or binary categories.

“Before We Were Trans” is, ultimately, a history and celebration of gender in all its fluidity, ambiguity, and complexity.

Dr. Kit Heyam (they/them or he/him) is a Leeds-based freelance writer, heritage practitioner, trans awareness trainer, and academic.

To receive the Zoom link, please register by emailing:


Please note: The talk and Q&A will be conducted entirely in English.

Das Regenbogenreferat für sexuelle und geschlechtliche Vielfalt ist die studentische Interessenvertretung der schwulen, lesbischen, bisexuellen, a_sexuellen, trans*, inter*, poly* und queeren* Studierenden in Freiburg. In Form von Aufklärungs- und Pressearbeit, gemeinsamem Freizeitprogramm setzt sich das Regenbogenreferat für sexuelle und geschlechtliche Vielfalt sein. Auch nicht-Studierende sind bei Sitzungen herzlich willkommen! Offenes Plenum jeden Montag, 20:15 Uhr, Belfortstr. 24, Freiburg.